My 2nd Job

So I know everyone get's tired of people clogging up the status updates with Scentsy stuff so I decided to write this blog instead:

Back in Feburaury I was struggling with the thought of having to get a 2nd job. I've always worked 2 jobs for most of my adult life but as much as I love my JC Penny girls I just couldn't go back for the 100th time lol. My friend Jacey had been talking about Scentsy on her facebook and I thought "hmm...I've never done the independent consultant thing before so I might as well try it. It's only $99" so I went to her site and clicked join and so it began :) It honestly has been the easiest and most fun part time job I have ever had. When she told me that it can sell it's self sometimes I didn't really believe her (sorry Jacey! lol) but she wasn't lying! You make great commision plus bonus'. I participated in my first contest that went on from April-July and I earned a free Wii and a $100 Best Buy gift card! And I was close to being in the top 100 and if I had made it I would have earned a free trip to Boston! The qualifying for the next incentive trip starts this month and runs through January 31st where I have a chance to earn a free trip for me or me and a guest to Walt Disney World :) And if you know me you know I love Walt Disney World lol I've been 3 times and am always looking for an excuse to go back lol. So Scentsy girls....I'll be your tour guide ha! Scentsy is a great family company and I am so glad to be apart of it :) Thanks Jacey for getting me involved!

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