Origami Owl....Hoot Hoot!

Every locket tells a story.....What's your story?

I have a huge annoucement!  I am no longer with Initial Outfitters.  I am now with a company called Origami Owl.  They specialize in living lockets and their tag is the opening to this blog.  They are AMAZING :)
Every locket is made custom to the customer or person it's being given to.  Here is one that I made for a customer.

Just getting started I have had some orders but I can not wait to help design other beautiful lockets that are telling their story.  

I decided to go to this company because I really want to start doing more jewelry bars at vendor shows along with private jewelry bar party's.  I loved IO but it was so hard to do vendor shows and not have product right then and there for customers to take home.  I really feel this is a better fit for me and I'll have a better feel for building a team.  

If you need a locket of your very own contact me or visit www.christyk.origamiowl.com to order online :)

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