HOPE 2012

HOPE (happy over pounds eliminated) 2012 has begun!  I started a weight loss group and it's been pretty awesome so far :)  I know I can do this on my own but I really like having a group and accountability and I hear so many people who say the same thing so I thought why not just start it myself! Plus if it's at my house I have to stay on track lol.  We meet at my house every Sunday at 3 pm and we weigh in.  We just started 2 weeks so we haven't got to do everything that I want but for every 5 lbs a person loses they'll get recognition in the meeting and Facebook page.  I'm also giving a little book marker for them to keep and look at.  It's not much but when you start getting a sticker for each 5 lb's loss it becomes an awesome reminder of how much you've accomplished.  I'm also going to put together a little discussion topic and questions.  This coming Sunday it's about motivation.  I'm super excited about that.  I think I found some good questions and statements to provide.  We shall see :) 

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