I become more and more like Charlotte York every day

Charlotte: I've been dating since I was fifteen. I'm exhausted. Where is he?
Miranda: Who? The White Knight?

That is one of my all time favorite quotes from Sex and the City.  My other 2 being "If you're tired of New York, you take a napa...You don't move to Napa"  and "Maybe our girlfriends are our soul mates and guys are just people to have fun with".

 I digress....back to the topic at hand.

I couldn't agree more with Charlotte.  It is exhausting being 32 and still dating.  The whole getting to know you phase.  It's so awkward and weird.  Why can't it be like TV shows and movies where we are just instantly put into the relationship part.  Move on to the "I already know everything about you stage" with out being a stalker about it.  It is nice when you do know the person previously and know a bit about him before dating him.  You don't have to do the whole "What do you do for a living? "  "Where did you grow up?" conversation.  If you know them, then you already know where they grew up, who their best friend in the 4th grade was and if they are still friends. I know some people say "Oh Christy!  That's the BEST part of it all!"  Um no...no it's not. 

But I know we all have to go through it.  Whether you met your love in the 9th grade and the getting to know him part was finding out who he had for English or if he liked the Tortilla Factory over Mimi's better to meeting him when he's 30 and finding out if he's been married before and if he went to college, we all have to go through it.

But when will the awkwardness end?   I suppose when I meet that white knight....

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