You know what day it is?  It's Weigh In Monday!

*This is a disclosure for any man reading this.  If you aren't sure you want to read what's next stop reading :)*

On today's weigh in I lost .8.  It's not what I was hoping for but I'm ok with it.  I stayed on point this week and I only used about 4 of my extra points but I started my period Sunday so I know that has a TON to do with it.  It never fails, when I start, I either don't lose at all or gain.  So I'm happy with the .8.  The  downfall though is I leave  for Disneyland Thursday morning and full disclosure.....I'm not counting points while I'm there.  I am going to watch what I eat and how much of it but if I want a Mickey shaped ice cream bar....I'm having a Mickey shaped ice cream bar.

But don't you just hate that.  When you know you've stuck to plan and did everything right but the scale doesn't show it?  I do.  But I don't let it get me down.  It's only one week.  I probably lost inches instead of pounds.  And I'm ok with that too.  I know I did what I was supposed to and it'll show at some point.....probably not on next weeks weigh in but the week after lol.

But maybe all the walking at Disneyland will counter act with what I  Happy Monday!

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