Good morning ya'll!  It may be a Monday but it's started out to be a really great Monday for me!  This morning after I weighed in I lost.... 2.2 lbs!!!  Down 66.8 total so far!

2.2 may not sound like much but I'll take it!  I'm very content with losing 2 lbs a week.  Don't get me wrong,  I don't mind those 5 lb weeks either, but I feel like losing it like this will help keep it off in in the long run.  When I had my surgery I lost big numbers every week.  And while I'm grateful (SO GRATEFUL) for the surgery because it helped me get a big chunk of the weight off, I can't be losing that much every week.

Some of you know that I got myself a bicycle in the fall, but it's been out of commission since then.  My sweet husband got my bike back to working and yesterday I was able to go on a bike ride!  I only went 12 minutes and 1 1/2 miles before my booty said that I needed to stop but hey!  That's more than what I would've done with out it.  I'm easing myself into it so I don't know if I'll take another bike ride tonight or just walk.  With it getting warmer it's more motivation for me to get out and move.  I'm a total hibernator in the winter.  I don't like going out in the cold at all.  Thank goodness for spring!  Hope ya'll have a great Monday!!

PS......It's almost {BASEBALL} season!! Yea!!

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