
Why do we get attached to the weirdest things?

The first time I cleaned my closet out during this process was a bit weird and odd to me.  Even though I knew these clothes did not fit me anymore, I felt like I wanted to hold on to them for some reason.  Almost as if I thought I would need them again one day.  Looking at them I'd think "Oh, I can still wear this!"  So I would try it on and no, no I couldn't.  I had to convince myself that I needed to just get rid of them.  I did however hold on to a few tops and such a little longer than I should have the first go-around.  The 2nd time was a little bit easier.  I still felt like I was giving a piece of me away for some reason, but I reluctantly got rid of them.  I just went through my closet for the 3rd cleaning.  I was getting stuff out and saying "Ok, that has to go" and then I would come across something that I would have to try on to tell myself they were to big.  Even if they were big but not ridiculously big I still got rid of them.  It wouldn't be long until they were way to big for me and I didn't need them taking up space in my closet.  I had two shrugs that I absolutely loved that I finally got rid of.  They were just nice to throw on over a t-shirt and not have to think about a jacket.  Some of you know how much I loved them because I wore them all the time.  There were things this round also that I never even got to wear.

These two dresses I never even got to wear.  The first one I got at JC Penney's one the 3,434,823 time I worked there in 2007.  It didn't fit when I bought it and was one of those "I'll lose 10 more pounds and get into it....."  Fast forward 6 years later, I finally was able to wear it....with no where to wear it to.  For those of you that don't know me, I do drug testing and deal with oilfield men all day.  There is no way I could wear that to work.  Some would say that I should and I might pick up a man, but that is quite alright.  The 2nd dress I bought in 2008 to wear to my best friends bridal shower.  When I got it in it was a little snug.  "I'll lose 10 lbs...." I said.  Ya I'm pretty sure I GAINED 10 lbs. instead of LOSE 10 lbs.  Again, fast forward 5 years and it place to wear it.  It's getting to be on the big side so I will probably just cut my ties with them and sell them in a garage sale.  Oh who knows...I may put one on and take myself on a date :)

And this ladies and gentlemen, is my ALL TIME favorite sweatshirt....ever. EVER. eeeeevvvveerrrrrr.  I have had this sweatshirt since 1997.  Yep, that's over 16 years ago this summer.  I got it when we went to church camp at Howard Payne in Brownwood.  I can not bare to get rid of it.  I guess it's like my security blanket.  In the winter when I get lazy days, I put this on and grab a blanket and have a movie lazy day with my couch.  One day a friend from high school that had been at that camp with me saw it and said "Oh my gosh!  You still have that thing?"  Um yes, yes I do.
I always will :)  I can't bring myself to get rid of it.

I probably will one day, but with all the changes going on in my closet, I need to hang on to some familiarity.

Texas Women Bloggers
  1. I have the hardest time throwing clothes out too! I love that you have a sweatshirt from 16 years ago...I have a t-shirt from about 13 years ago I just can't get rid of.

    1. lol! Good to know I'm not the only one! Ya I'm pretty sure I will never get rid of it. Maybe if it falls apart or something but until then..every fall/winter I will be curled up on my couch in it :)


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