There are so many myth's about bigger people.  I think my favorite is that we are all emotional eaters.  Now there are emotional eaters out there, I'm not saying there isn't, but that we all are...that's a big much.  I wasn't an emotional eater.  I just really liked the way it tasted and I loved to cook.  Now I was an emotional drinker.  No....not alcohol.  Dr. Pepper's.  If I was upset I would go and get me the biggest Dr. Pepper there was and drown my sorrows in it.   So I would end up drinking my calories (which Bob Harper says is a huge no no.  And I agree)

The next myth that drives me crazy is "Oh, she must be so depressed".  Ok now yes, every once in a while depression would come about for a day or so (I am human) but I was not one that dwelled to long.  Not everyone is depressed about it every day.  I do however think that we are just numb to it.  I was very numb.  I saw a video I had made for Extreme Makeover: Weightloss Edition and I was shocked.  I did not realize how heavy I had gotten.  The part of the video I saw was where I was showing them my full body and even raising my shirt to show my stomach.  I can't say that it was denial because I knew that I was over weight and that I needed to do something about it once and for all.   

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